Back To The Course Picture Dictionary - Section 1 Lesson 01: Airport Lesson 02: American Symbols Lesson 03: Baby Items Lesson 04: Banking and Money Lesson 05: Bathroom Items Lesson 06: Beach Scenery Lesson 07: Bedroom Items Lesson 08: Birds Lesson 09: Car Parts Lesson 10: City Scenery Lesson 11: Classroom Items Lesson 12: Colors Lesson 13: Dining Room Items Lesson 14: Electronic Equipment Lesson 15: Farm Lesson 16: Flowers and Trees Picture Dictionary - Section 1Lesson 10: City Scenery ambulance bus stop bus car city delivery truck fire hydrant fire truck fuel tanker garbage pail mail truck mailbox monument newsstand pay phone police car post office restaurant sanitation truck school bus street fair street market street sweeper taxi traffic light Post navigation Previous lesson Lesson 09: Car PartsNext lesson Lesson 11: Classroom Items